
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi again friends! This week at training camp was another difficult yet fulfilling week. On Wednesday, we went into a nearby town and evangelized to people in a bunch of different stores. This was a completely new experience for me, but I was so excited to see how the Lord was going to work. I remember my prayer before we left being, “God You are really going to have to show up here because I have no idea what I’m doing.” I struggle to be bold in my faith as I shared in my last blog, but I know that the Lord has called us to go and make disciples of all the nations. This includes the United States. So we went into a Walmart and talked to a few people there and got to pray over one man. Then, we walked to a Chipotle nearby and talked to a few more people there and ate dinner. After sitting and eating for a few minutes, I saw a mom and her son walk in that I had seen before at Walmart and knew that the Lord had led us there for a reason. I prayed that God would soften their hearts to hear what we had to say to them and that they would allow us to pray over them. My squad leader, Milly, paid for their meal and introduced them to me and my other squad mate, Baylee, and we got to pray for them. The Lord softened their hearts and they opened up to us about a lot of personal things going on in their family. I got to share the Gospel with the mom’s son and pray over him and they were so blessed. They shared that they listen to church online but they don’t attend a church or really have a community, but were so encouraged by us. The mom later texted Milly sharing how much she needed to hear from us that day and how encouraging it was for her. 

It was so incredible to see how the Lord’s hand was in the entire situation. My honest prayer before the Lord saying that I felt unequipped was all that He needed to move in and through me. I knew that the Holy Spirit was working through me to give me the strength and boldness I needed to share my heart with the broken people we got to evangelize to. I have been super challenged to understand that my entire life is a mission field, including people in America. People in America need to hear the Gospel just as much as people in all the nations need to hear it. I would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and share the Gospel with somebody this week. It could be as simple as asking someone if they need prayer in a Walmart. You never know how the Spirit can lead and work through your kindness and prayers. Just understand that He can give you boldness and strength when you feel weak and unable. That has been the biggest lesson that I have learned this past week and it has been an incredibly refining time. 

Matthew 28:18-20

“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”

I pray that this scripture will resonate with you this week, just as it has resonated with me. I have the greatest gift that anyone could ever receive and yet I still fail to share it with those who are in desperate need of it. SHARE THE GOSPEL!! Thank you God that You have given us this gift of salvation that we can share with others no matter where we are! Continue to pray that the Lord will give me boldness and confidence in His Word. Praise that He has already began this work in me and that He will continue to carry it out unto completion! 

Also, another huge praise: I am only $475 away from being fully funded!! WHAT?!?! God is so good. Thank you God for showing me that $15,800 is so easy for you to provide. Thank you guys for being His hands and feet with me and generously giving your funds for me to share this Gospel around the world. Let’s get fully funded!

Have a good week friends! I miss you and pray for you continually. I can’t wait to continue sharing what the Lord is doing here with you all! 

Much love,


6 responses to “Week 2- Spread the Gospel!”

  1. Ryann
    Thanks for sharing your heart and what week 2 was like at training camp, we are super excited to see how God will use you and your team in sharing the gospel.
    So encouraged in your boldness and stepping out of your comfort zone
    Much love
    Stephen and Teri Jernigan

  2. Ryann, so thankful that the Lord is strengthening and challenging you in new ways! What a cool experience to see people open up to receive prayer and see the Lord stir your own heart to be soft towards the Spirit’s leading! Love you friend- praying for you as you continue to learn and grow in this training season!

  3. Hi Ryann, We enjoy reading your updates & how the Lord is using you to share your faith boldly!
    We all need to pray for boldness. Excited to read that your funding is almost complete…The Lord is Good! Love & continued prayers, Dan & Leigh Daugherty (Ri’s grand parents !)

  4. Ryann, what an encouragement! You sought the Lord, and He answered in so many ways. He gave you the strength and boldness to share the gospel to a mission field that is right in front of you. Your testimony is so encouraging to be aware of every situation that comes before us. And I am so excited that you are almost fully funded! Yes, and Amen God has paid full price for you. I am so excited to see what else He has for you.

  5. Great share! It took boldness and prayer, most importantly action. It often takes something as an encounter at Walmart to reveal the needs in our own communities as desperate for the Lord’s as the far corners of the world. You are equipped and soon to be funded! I praise the work the Lord has begun in you.